How Does Divorce Impact Mental Health?
Regardless of the unique circumstances, all divorces can be tremendously stressful. In fact, listed just behind the death of a spouse, research on stress ranks divorce as the second most stressful life event a person can endure. Divorce can challenge and change all areas of one’s life, and this transition can be incredibly taxing for everyone in the family.
What Happens When Someone Wants A Divorce?
Divorce often triggers many difficult logistical questions. Who will keep the house? How will the parents communicate the news to the children? How will they navigate the challenges of co-parenting? What will custody arrangements look like? What if one person doesn’t want to sign the papers? What if one spouse has an affair, and he or she enters a relationship with the other person? While these questions may not always have obvious answers, therapy can provide a supportive soundboard for working through the confusion.
People enter therapy for many types of reasons related to divorce. Some people want to talk to someone because they have been contemplating leaving their partner for several months or years. They may wish to assess the risks and benefits associated with staying in the marriage. Others reach out for help after their spouse discloses they no longer desire to be married. These people might feel betrayed, angry, and confused. Some people have been divorced for several years, but they feel residual stress or uncertainty over navigating new changes.
Finally, couples may seek professional support. Some couples want to see if they can improve their relationship. Others want to handle moving through their divorce with dignity and grace.
How I Can Support You During A Divorce
Divorce doesn’t have to feel so lonely and terrifying. It also doesn’t have to be an endpoint for your life. Therapy can provide a valuable healing space during this painful time. Regardless of your marital outcome, we will work together to honor your needs, process your feelings, and harness a sense of hope and resilience. If you are a parent, we will discuss supporting your children and planning out co-parenting strategies.